Getting Things Done with Evernote

I am really close to having a working system for the “Getting Things Done” system utilizing Evernot.

Here is a break down of  how I have gotten to this point.

1: Read several books looking for the perfect solution (not found)

2: Searched internet for what other people said they liked

3: Researched Getting Things Done (GTD) as it seemed to be the most talked about.

4 (now): I’m finishing up reading the book Getting Things Done and also studying how to utilize the system with Evernote. [Read more…]

5 Links for Getting Things Done

I am waist deep in “Getting Things Done by David Allen” and have decided I might as well give this system a try.

I am only halfway through the book, but have done some searching online for resources to make my introduction to this system easier.

Here are 6 links that I have found useful in my attempt at learning this time management system.

I hope to be “Getting Things Done” starting next week. I have a feeling I am going to end up modifying the system to fit my personality and mind set. I will keep you all updated on what the final outcome of all this is.

Here are the links: [Read more…]

Getting Things Done

You may not believe this, but I have a hard time dealing with Time Management.

I know what your thinking, “I don’t believe it Jason, you post so randomly and without warning, I assumed you had it all together.”

The reality is I’m a procrastinator and jump around from project to project through out the day and sometimes throughout the hour.

I have an un-diagnosed case of adult ADD, live in a chaotic environment (I’m currently watching my 3 month old while writing this), and get  a weird enjoyment out of the feeling of urgency.

With my hope to update this blog once or twice a week, update the blog every week day, and continue working on my niche site, I realize I need to come up with a better time management system.

Last night I read: [Read more…]

Niche Site Journal Format

I’ve come up with a new format for the journal updates for my different niche site. This way each post is the same and it makes it easier to follow week by week. Having this format will also make it easier to post because I can just fill in the information, create the updated graphs, and add a few pictures.

I tried to include all the data and information that you might find interesting in this format. If you can think of anything else or have ideas that could make these posts easier to read, please leave a message in the comment section with those suggestion.

Over time this format will evolve, but I have to start somewhere.

———————— [Read more…]

Where my sites are now: how many blog views with analytics

I am still in the process of figuring out the best way to keep track of my niche site plans and their outcomes on this site.  I will be updating weekly; you can join the Facebook page at if you want to stay up-to-date:

Here is a quick look at my numbers for the last month.

This is my niche site dedicated to creating webcomics. It is also my most popular blog.

jasonloveslife chart

Numbers from Jan 20 – Feb 19:

Visits: 984

Unique Visitors: 616

Pageviews: 2,255

Pages/Visit: 2.29

Avg. Visit Duration: 00:02:55

This is my webcomic I launched on Jan 14, 2013 [Read more…]

Niche Site Journal for January 2013

My last post on my Niche Site experience was almost 3 months ago. A lot has happened since then not relating to the Niche Site.

As many of you know, my wife gave birth to our first child and my wife, we ran a successful Kickstarter campaign and printed our first comic book.

In other words, we have been insanely busy.

This is why I hope to master niche sites. The opportunity to work on my art and spend time with my family with out worrying about money would be a dream come true. That is why I am trying to make this work and build a passive income portfolio.

Quick Lesson

Make sure you know why you want to make passive income through Niche Sites. It makes the long hours and lonely nights more bearable.

Thank You to

[Read more…]

Week 8 – We made some money in our Last Week of the Journal & I talk a little about “the best spinner”

A crazy week as usual.  It was hard to find the time to put in my 14 hours this week.  My wife is due any day, the comic book (Madman of Magic) my wife and I are working on, my laptop died, family is planning to come to see the baby, I signed a new contract for putting on animation workshops for the local schools, and …. Well that is all I remember… I can remember, but I did find 14 hours to work on the Niche Site.


Still in the Middle of my BackLinking Strategy

I have figured out that attempting a backlinking strategy for the first time is very time consuming.

This tool makes it a little easier (it is free):

Some Notes on article directories:

[Read more…]

Week 7 – Still working on Back linking Strategy

We’re still puttering along with the niche site and the back linking strategy.

To be honest, I will be glad when it is all over.  I guess this is why everyone says choose something you love.  While I don’t mind doing articles on pregnancy and pregnant woman’s health, it is hard for me to get excited about it.

The only thing keeping me working on this niche site is: [Read more…]

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